Sunday, February 24, 2008

Your Biggest Fans

I am one of your biggest you remember the Reindeer Run 5k and that bull horn?!

Do you ever wonder who, if anyone, out there understands your need to run? Do you have a biggest fan? How about any groupies that want to hug you after a big race when you are sweaty and possibly don't smell so great?! Who knows what PR means or what a long run is? How about those tough intervals that make you red in the face long after your workout is done? Well look no further...

The Members of Run Club are Your Biggest Fans! We understand everything cause we have the same passion that you have about running. Don't wait until it is warmer before you get to know us or until you are faster. If you come one time and feel like an outsider come again and give us another try.

Your fellow run clubbers know a lot about running. They can give you advice on training, racing and injuries. They know so much because they have been doing it for years and have EXPERIENCED it!

So join us this TUESDAY at the Centreville track for a "red in the face" kind of workout at 7 (feel free to come a bit early if you want more miles).

Join us Saturday at Burke Lake for your long run (I won't be there this Saturday but will be running the mountain of Massanutten for an 18 miler...yikes). There will be plenty of our runners representing Lifetime. If you are new and we haven't met, introduce yourself!

I heard that Burke was great on Saturday...of course it was...the weather people said it would be icy, so therefore it wasn't. Here are some comments that were overheard about our runners:

"Man! Steve is getting fast!"

"It was so great to see Kimmy on Saturday! She was rocking!"

"Has Heather gained some weight?" Ha. Ha. Ha...just wanted to be sure you were paying attention...well now that I think about it, I hope I haven't gained any...

The Shamrock Marathon is right around the corner! I want to know if you are going, where you are staying, when you plan on leaving and returning, how far you are running...and if you want to do any of this together?! In the next few days, I will try to compile all the info I get from you guys so we can all plan accordingly. I was also wondering if anyone has signed up for either the half or full marathon that is UNABLE to run. I am looking for an entry before I go ahead and sign up for the full marathon at the more expensive price!

Quote of the Week: "Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use." -- Earl Nightingale (thanks Erin for the quote)

Now go and Run!


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