Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sneak Peek at Anchorage

Here is one cool picture of Anchorage...nestled between the Chugiak Mountains and the Cook inlet. You do see snow in this picture on those mountains...but there will not be any when I am there (thank goodness!). But the temperature average for August is in the high 50's...chilly! But I have to admit, great for outdoor activities...

Things I hope to have my two boys do while there: see a moose or two, avoid any bears, climb that flat mountain top you can see on the right of this picture (it actually is a pretty easy climb, except for the last drive up for most of it), catch a few salmon (over 40 lbs.), see some glaciers, pick blueberries, golf, gold pan (and actually find a little something...for my 8 yr. old's sake), avoid getting eaten by mosquitos, staying up until its dark (around 12 am, this time of year we have 17 hours of daylight), go fishing in the ocean, take the train along cook inlet, see Mt. McKinley (you can see it on a clear day in the far distance), and buy an ulu (not for boy's use).

We head up North mid August! Don't tell anyone, but I plan on running too (the boys can join me).

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